Tuesday, March 24, 2009

LOCA - Pervasive surveillance

LOCA is an artist-led project on grass-roots, pervasive surveillance using mobile phones. Combined art installation, software engineering, activism, pervasive design, hardware hacking, SMS poetry, sticker art and ambient performance.
A person walking through the city centre hears a beep on their phone and glances at the screen. Instead of an SMS alert they see a message reading: "We are currently experiencing difficulties monitoring your position: please wave your network device in the air."
Loca engages people by responding to urban semantics, the social meanings of particular places: "You walked past a flower shop and spent 30 mi nutes in the park, are you in love?"
Loca: Set To Discoverable enables people to question the networks they populate, and to consider how the trail of digital identities people leave behind them can be used for good or ill. It asks what happens when it is easy for everyone to track everyone, when surveillance is possible using consumer level technology within peer-to-peer networks without being routed through a central point?

Loca is a group project by John Evans (UK/Finland), Drew Hemment (UK), Theo Humphries (UK), Mike Raento (Finland)
Honorary Mention, Prix Ars Electronica 2008


Anonymous said...

big brother is already watching us...

esmith512 said...

There are millions of people working on this already (and have been for tens of decades) as part of a fully- decentralized pervasive surveillance monitor, a kind of pervasive real-time, ultra-accessible, fully-open, irrepressibly public and intrinsically publicly sustained and ownerless total information awareness apparatus. Socio-semantics is one interesting part of the monitor in how it both tracks and influences mass behavior. For the first time in history mass-social phenomena can be observed in real- and historical-time in high granularity by the mass-society itself. George Orwell's book assumed a small central dictatorial authority and extreme knowledge asymmetry, but the reality would be closer to pervasively ultimate decentralized and distributed authority and high and deep knowledge symmetry in every entity of any kind anywhere--Everyone everywhere (inheirently including you), has become a collective and pervasively distributed "Big Brother" out of fundamental existential human condition.

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